(exp) my condolences
(exp) (uk) congratulations
(exp,v5u) to say time and time again
to say till you're blue in the face
(exp) to wait on someone hand and foot
to take personal care of someone
(exp) (id) True patience lies in bearing the unbearable
(exp,vs-i) (obsc) to love one's child too much for their own good (lit: to love one's daughter so much as to make her a nun)
(exp) thank you for your continued patronage
(exp) let sleeping dogs lie
(n) Caution is the best policy
(exp) to stir up trouble for oneself (lit: to scare out a snake by poking at the brush)
(exp) (hum) to be a burden
to make trouble for someone
(exp) thank you very much
(exp) (comp) to run a virus scan program
(exp) (comp) to beta test (something)
(exp) (obsc) exceptionally stingy
(exp) (id) An idle brain is the devil's shop
(exp) to know (something) like the palm of one's hand
(exp) (id) It's audible but invisible
(exp) thank you for your continued patronage
(exp) keeping silent
saying nothing at all
(exp) (hum) to be a burden
to make trouble for someone
(exp) (hon) please remember me
please help me
please treat me well
(exp) (comp) to maximize a window
(exp) (obsc) exceptionally stingy
(exp) (hum) midsummer greetings
to inquiry after someone's health in the hot season
(exp) happy new year
(exp) (id) Cut your coat according to your cloth
(exp) consider your income before spending
(exp) thank you for your continued patronage
(exp) (comp) to exit from the application