(exp) to generate electricity by hydraulic power
(exp) (obsc) refusing to admit being wrong and adhering to the far-fetched argument
(exp) to take the responsibility (for an action)
to carry out in a responsible manner
(exp) (id) First come, first served
(exp) to treat someone to a feast
(exp,vs-i) (obsc) to love one's child too much for their own good (lit: to love one's daughter so much as to make her a nun)
(exp) (obsc) to love one's child too much for their own good (lit: to love one's daughter so much as to make her a nun)
(exp) penny wise and pound foolish
(exp) a wise man keeps some of his talents in reserve
one shouldn't show off
the person who knows most often says least
(exp) (id) A person who is talented know to be modest
(exp) to declare a state of emergency
(exp) (id) great vigor
tremendous energy
lit: forceful enough to knock down birds in flight
(exp) (id) great vigor
tremendous energy
lit: forceful enough to knock down birds in flight
(exp,vs-i) (uk) to neglect
to let alone
(exp) (obsc) (of a legal system) so lax that even the greatest criminal can escape
(exp) (uk) thank you
(exp) (uk) thank you
(exp) what is it exactly?
what is it precisely
(exp) my condolences
my deepest sympathy
(exp) (uk) congratulations
(exp) curtly, in a displeased manner
(exp) my condolences
(exp) phrase indicating that it is better to work for oneself than to work for someone else
(exp) that may be so
(exp) please remember me
please help me
please treat me well
I look forward to working with you
(exp) (id) Bad money drives out good money
(exp) when there is a legal tender currency, bad money drives out good money (Gresham's Law)
(exp) curtly, in a displeased manner
(exp) (hon) please remember me
please help me
please treat me well
(n) (comp) symbiotic service element