(exp) There's no smoke without fire.
(n) (comp) selected executable test suite
(exp) to be willing to do anything (any trick) to achieve one's end
(n) (comp) parameterized abstract test case
(n) (comp) rate-based flow control
(exp) do not chase one who leaves, do not reject one who comes
(exp) (obsc) A fool may give a wise man counsel
(exp) (comp) thesaurus without preferred terms
(n) (comp) clustered applications
(n) (comp) parameterized executable test case
(n) (comp) parameterized abstract test suite
(n) (comp) parameterized executable test suite
(exp) thank you for all your hard work
(exp) (comp) calculator without addressable storage
(exp) thank you for all your hard work
(exp) thank you for all your hard work
(exp) (id) If Cleopatra's nose had been a little lower, the history of the world might have been different