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Compounds of つ

  • (v5k) to cling to
    to embrace
  • (v5t) to hold something reverently with both hands
  • (exp) to settle (a problem)
    to put an end to (a dispute)
    to be disposed of
    to be settled
    to come to an end
  • (v5t) to burst into leaf
    to sprout
  • (v5k,vi) to bark at and chase
  • (n) half asleep and half awake
  • (exp) to preserve life
  • (n-t) the sixth hour of the morning
  • (v5t) to become fluffy
  • (v5t,vi) (1) to rage
    (2) to howl
  • (n) (1) sand, ash, etc., thrown in the eyes to blind someone
    throwing something at someone's eyes to blind them
    (2) poking someone's eyes during a fight to blind them
  • (v5k) to be noticeable
    to notice
    to catch one's eye
  • (v5t) to be helpful
    to be useful
  • (exp) to inject a unit of dope
  • (v5t,vi) to cheer up
    to be encouraged (by)
    to be in high spirits
  • (v5k) (uk) to get
    to obtain
    to come by
    to find
  • (v5t,vi) to appear suddenly
  • (v5t,vi) to appear suddenly
  • (exp) to be of use (service)
  • (v5k) to twine oneself around
    to coil around
  • (v5k) to calm down
    to settle down
    to be steady
    to settle in
    to take up one's residence
    to harmonize with
    to harmonise with
    to match
    to restore presence of mind
  • (v5t,vi) to accompany
    to go with
    to go together
  • (n) dividing something into six pieces
    something divided into six pieces
  • (v5k) to come to an agreement
  • (exp) to be talented
    to be able
  • (v5t,vi) (1) to rage
    (2) to howl
  • (v1,vt) (1) to wound
    to injure
    (2) to hurt someone's feelings (pride, etc.)
    (3) to damage
    to chip
    to scratch
  • (v5k,vi) to cling to
  • (v5t) to stand towering over the surrounds
  • (v5t) to rise (steeply)
    to tower
    to soar