(n) Dulong-Petit law
(n) the Pied Piper of Hamelin
(n) Biot-Savart law
(n) Biot-Savart law
(n) Buys-Ballot's law
(n) combined gas law
(n) (comp) effective status of a marked section
(n) Maxwell's equations (summarizing the classical properties of the electromagnetic field)
(n) Epistle to the Romans (book of the Bible)
(exp) (id) Tread on a worm and it will turn
(exp) the whole year's plans are made on New Year's Day
when doing something start with the plan
(exp) (id) New Year's Day is the key to a successful year
(exp) (comp) to be right associative
(exp) (id) Show me a liar, and I will show you a thief
(exp) like begets like
(exp) inscrutable and interesting are the ways people are brought together
(exp) too lazy to do anything
(n) in either case
in all cases
(exp) faint voice
(exp) to smile a smile of satisfaction
(exp) one cannot have pain without pleasure, and one cannot have pleasure without pain
(n) (comp) seconds since the Epoch
(exp) expression meaning to fail one step short of great success
to fall at the last hurdle
(exp) do not hesitate to say
(n) law of diminishing marginal product
(exp) easier said than done
lit: if it's just talking you can even build Osaka Castle
(exp) (id) What one likes, one will do well
(exp) (obs) to take revenge on someone in an unlikely place
(exp) to be descended from the Imperial House
(exp) (id) Great pains but all in vain