(exp) near the mark
pretty close
not a bad guess
(exp) unable even to drive away the flies on one's own head (denoting a helpless person)
(exp) (id) That will do neither harm nor good
(exp) being driven into a corner
having no way out
(exp) (id) Harsh words make the going rough
(exp) thinking the sun shines out of someone's eyes
being the apple of one's eye
(exp) that may be true
that might be the case
(exp) it is no exaggeration to say
it is not too much to say
(exp) it is no exaggeration to say
it is not too much to say
(exp) thank you very much
(exp) to be heavy with tobacco smoke
(exp) to be experienced in the ways of the world
to taste the bitter and the sweet
(exp) (obsc) once you're dead, that's it
(exp) once you're dead, that's it
(exp) truth is stranger than fiction
(exp) (obsc) exceptionally stingy
(exp) (id) A man is not to be judged by his appearance
(exp) (id) It's audible but invisible
(exp) (id) A little leak will sink a great ship
(exp) (id) His faults are few, but so are his virtues
(exp) to be suspected without cause
(exp) hopeless
(exp) (id) One should not interfere in lover's quarrels
(exp) it is often the originator of problems who kicks up a fuss or complains loudest
(exp) expression meaning that avoiding unnecessary talk can prevent disaster falling on one
(exp) humming and hawing
(exp) keeping silent
saying nothing at all
(exp) A drowning man will catch at a straw
(exp) that may be true
that might be the case
(exp) Even if thirsty not to drink from "Robber's Spring"
A proverb meaning not to lower oneself to unjust acts no matter how desperate
(English equivalent) The eagle does not hunt flies