(exp) to look as if one is important
to swagger around
(exp) (obs) to make drastic cuts
to take an axe to
(exp) better too big than too small
(exp,v1) to die peacefully
to have lived a full life
(exp) to cut a radish into fine strips
(exp) to place a book on a shelf
(exp) to burst into laughter
(exp) needless to say
(exp) as far as I know
(exp,v1) (1) to harmonize with
to keep in tune with
(2) to go along with
to keep in step
(exp,v5u) to make a long-winded speech
to give a long talk
(v5r) to kick (a person) upstairs
to revere (a person) as one's leader
(exp) to cling to a strap
(exp) to be lonely at the top
to be left high and dry by one's friends (lit: to have the ladder pulled out from under one)
(exp) to supervise
to control
(exp) to arrest a thief
(exp) to be caught by the enemy
(exp) (id) It's all over now
(exp) to give it a try
(n) sheer blouse
(exp,v5r) to lose one's cool
to blow one's top
to flip one's lid
to get angry
(v5r) to be equally excellent in workmanship though difficult in style
to be practically the same
(exp) to be accustomed to reading
(exp,vs-i) to fold in two
to fold in half
to double up
(exp) to keep out of the sun
(exp) to frame
to falsely accuse of a crime
(exp) to file for bankruptcy
(exp) to do a silly thing
(exp) a chill runs down one's spine
(exp) to suffer from tuberculosis