(exp) to preserve plums in salt
to salt plums
(exp) to find a solution (after struggle)
(exp) half asleep
(exp) to arrest the culprit
(exp) to heap abuse upon (a person)
to criticize strongly
to blast (someone)
(exp) to betray a secret
(v1) to turn (child) to crime
(exp) to heap abuse upon (a person)
to criticize strongly
to blast (someone)
(exp) to exaggerate
to embellish (a story, rumor, etc.)
(exp) to exaggerate
to embellish (a story, rumor, etc.)
(exp) to be enslaved by a woman's beauty
(v1) to seem to be sick
(exp) Poverty dulls the wit
(exp) to be born poor
to be born into poverty
(exp) to caution a person against misconduct
(exp) to be devoted (attentive) to one's husband
(exp) to look disheartened
(exp,v5r) to become distinct
(exp) the critical situation to grow tense, threatening an upheaval
(n) fever caused by a cold
(n) fever caused by a cold
(exp) to step out of the bath
(exp) to sink into a hot bath
to soak in a bathtub
(exp) cannot suppress one's anger
cannot stomach
(exp) cannot suppress one's anger
cannot stomach
(exp) cannot suppress one's anger
cannot stomach
(exp) to have a meal (before doing something)
to fortify oneself with a meal
(v1) to apportion to
to share
(exp) to construct a sentence
(v1,vi) to be astonished to hear
to be incredulous about
to express disbelief