(exp,vs-i) to look daggers at someone
to be angry
(exp) to dart one's eyes about
to be surprised, confused or flustered
(n) eyes capable of seeing in the dark
(exp,adj-i) bright even in the dark
clearly visible at night
(exp) to take the wrong medicine
(n) not at all inferior to
(exp) to grieve for the death of a friend
(exp,adj-pn) (uk) every single (piece of furniture)
every possible (excuse)
(exp,adj-pn) (uk) every single (piece of furniture)
every possible (excuse)
(exp) to be in excess
(exp) to be forced to do or experience something (against one's will)
to be forced to do something because one has no other choice
(exp) (id) That's none of your business
(exp) to expel (a person) from an important position
(exp) to be to the point (as in germane)
(exp) (id) accept one who comes to you
(exp) there are wheels within wheels
there's more to most things than meets the eye
(exp) (id) There are wheels within wheels
(exp) to be dispersed
to get separated
(exp) to file for divorce
(exp) to keep standing
(n) movements
(exp) to take charge during someone's absence
(exp) to try to have it both ways
to try to sit on two stools
(exp) to try to have it both ways
to try to sit on two stools
(exp) to try to have it both ways
to try to sit on two stools
(exp) to try to have it both ways
to try to sit on two stools
(exp) to have a strong pull
(exp) to cultivate a good habit
(exp) to wish a person well
(n) frequently asked questions