(exp) to conduct heat
(exp) to pull through the year end
(exp) to pay attention to
(exp) to play a noh drama
(exp) to reign supreme
to assume the leadership (hegemony)
to dominate
(exp) to be ruined
to fail
to go bankrupt
(exp) to fatten a horse
(exp) to reveal the true nature
(exp,v1) to feel like an idiot
to make a fool of yourself
(exp) to have one cup of sake after another
(exp) to pretend not to see
to turn one's back on
(exp) to bare one's back
(exp) to rinse one's back
(exp) to count beats
(exp) to stay long
(exp) (1) to open one's eyes wide (as in fear or anger)
(2) to faint
(exp) to plow a field
to plough a field
(exp) to accelerate development
(exp,v1) to put up one's hair
(exp) to comb (one's hair)
(exp,v1) to put up one's hair
(exp) to let one's hair hang down
(exp) to arrange (tidy up) one's hair
(exp) to comb (one's hair)
(exp) to punish (a child, etc.)
(exp) to fly a pigeon
(exp) to overrule a decision
(exp) to raise in revolt
to raise the standard of revolt
(exp) to raise a sail
(exp) to raise a sail