(exp) to catch a cold
(exp) to give (transmit) a cold (to someone)
(exp) to catch a cold
(exp) to cure a cold
(exp) to prepare oneself for the worst
to strengthen one's resolve
(exp,v5s) to be hungry
(exp,adj-f) frank
(exp) frankly
(exp,v5s) to be hungry
(exp,v1) to (resolve oneself and) decide
(exp,v1) to make up one's mind
(exp) to give birth to
to have a stomachache
(exp) to roll around laughing
to fold up
to hold one's sides with laughter
(exp) to satisfy one's appetite
(exp) to take offense
to take offence
to get angry
to lose one's temper
(exp) to have a meal (before doing something)
to fortify oneself with a meal
(exp) to eat to one's hearts content
to drum the belly
(exp) to give rise to hostile comment
(exp) (id) There is no moment to lose
(exp) to raise an army
(exp) to send an army
(exp) to fence in
to surround with a wall
(exp) to maintain (preserve) peace
(exp) to crave for peace
(exp,v5u) (arch) (of a nobleperson) to bestow one of the kanji in one's name upon someone (e.g. a meritorious retainer, a boy coming of age, etc.)
(exp) to settle (a problem)
(exp) to take part in
(exp) to suit the convenience of
to accommodate
(exp) to make progress
to step forward
(exp) to post a sentinel