(exp) to ring a bell
(exp) to let (feel) time pass
(exp) to get in touch with
(exp) to sever the connection
(exp) to save labor
to save labour
(exp) to be kind to old people
(exp) to take a firm stand
to argue about
(exp) to compose a waka
(exp,v5s) to change the subject (e.g. away from something awkward or inconvenient)
(exp,v5s) to change the subject (e.g. away from something awkward or inconvenient)
(exp) to negotiate
to settle a matter
to arrange
(exp) to set a frame
to frame
(exp) to improve one's skill
(exp) to exercise one's talent
to display one's ability
(exp) to speak sharply (e.g. during a heated discussion or argument)
(exp) to understand the essence
to catch the main points
(adv) unavoidably
against one's will
(exp) to sheathe one's sword
to lay down arms
(exp) to issue a manifesto
to appeal
(v1) to chase one's gloom away
to free one's thoughts from melancholy
(n) warm up sake
(vt) to wrinkle up (one's eyebrows, one's nose)
to furrow
to crimple
(exp) with one's eyes flashing
(exp) to pull oneself together
to get one's act together
to brace oneself
(exp) to hoop
to put a hoop on
to bind a barrel with hoops
(exp) to get back together again
to be reconciled
(exp) to get angry
to become perverse
(exp) to make up one's mind (to do something)
to resolve firmly (to do something)
(exp) part from (with)
part company with
break with
(exp) to reveal the faults