(exp) to totter
(exp) to displease someone
to make someone disgusted
to be frowned at
(exp) to grow a beard
(ateji) (exp) (uk) to settle
to finish
to bring to an end
(exp) to be on the right track
to go well
(exp) (in spite of) being old enough to know better
(exp) to hear a rumor
to get wind of
(exp) to grant someone's request
(exp) Don't do anything rash!
Keep composed!
(exp) to put the fear of God into
(exp) to flatter
to boot-lick
to curry favour (favor)
(exp) to take care of
(exp) to be a willing cats-paw or tool for a person
(exp) (obs) to visit repeatedly (to request)
(exp,v5s) to feel hungry
to get hungry
(exp,v5s) to feel hungry
to get hungry
(exp) to have to wait (for the realization of something hoped for)
to be forced to postpone
(exp,v5s) to turn back
to return
(exp,v5s) to turn back
to return
(exp) to rule (line)
(exp) (uk) to find fault with
to rain on one's parade
to nitpick
to quibble
(exp) (uk) to settle
to finish
to bring to an end
(exp) to pick a fight
(exp) to leave this world
to die
(exp) to ask the opinion of (a superior)
(exp) cannot help (doing)
have no choice but to
am compelled to
am obliged to
it is incumbent upon (me) to
(exp) to compete ruthlessly (lit: to sharpen swords)
(vt) to wrinkle up (one's eyebrows, one's nose)
to furrow
to crimple
(v5k,exp) to turn away
to face away
(exp,v5k) to sigh
to breathe a sigh