(exp) to do what one is told to
to take someone's advice
to listen to what someone says
(exp,vs-i) to equivocate
to beat around the bush
(exp) to cavil at a person's words
(exp) to suppress the freedom of speech
(exp) to synchronise the breathing with the opponent prior to the start of sumo match
(exp) to persist in one's views
(exp) to do one's part (duty)
(exp,v5r) to come home in triumph
to return to one's hometown in glory
(exp,v5r) to come home in triumph
to return to one's hometown in glory
(exp) to give an evasive answer
(exp,v5u) to have to wait (for the realization of something hoped for)
to be forced to postpone
(exp) to put up a candidate
(exp) to thank (a person) heartily
(exp) to rush out from one's mouth (words, phrases, etc.)
(exp,v5s) to engage in a heated discussion
(exp) to arrange beforehand to tell the same story
to get the stories straight
(exp) curiosity killed the cat
(exp) to plan (provide) for the future of the country
(exp) to address a memorial to the King
(exp) to walk with a stoop
(exp,v1) to settle down
(exp,adv) to sum things up
in short
in other words
(exp) to turn over a new leaf
to reform (oneself)
(exp) to obtain money by fraud
(exp) to sit on a cushion
(exp) (id) Time waits for no-one
Time and tide stay for no man
(exp) to run through one's fortune (in idleness)
(exp,v5r) to hold the purse strings
(exp) picture representing a landscape
(exp) to nail a crosspiece (to)