(exp) to leave to chance
to resign oneself to one's fate
(exp) to fail to see a film
(exp,adj-na) gushing forth
bursting out
(exp) to convert lead into gold
(exp) to give (a person) first-aid
(exp,v5m) to butt into a conversation (from someone uninvolved)
(exp,v1) to interrupt
to butt in
(exp,v5g) to unmask (someone's true nature)
(exp) to expose one's true colors (character) (colours)
(exp,v5g) to unmask (someone's true nature)
(exp) what more can one say?
to be utterly at a loss for words (because of disbelief or disgust)
(exp) have (a) potential for ...
have it in one to do
(exp,adj-i) thinking little of one's family
(exp) (obs) to take risk
(exp) That's just what I thought
(exp) to hint at one's intervention
(exp) re-route
(exp) to cut the Gordian knot
(exp) (obs) to speak flamboyantly
(exp) Throw in a shrimp and pull out a whale
Use a sprat to catch a mackerel
(exp) in a flash
in no time
(iK) (exp,adj-na) gushing forth
bursting out
(exp) to dart one's eyes about
to be surprised, confused or flustered
(exp) to sit silently at a meeting
(exp) to tread on thin ice (lit: to cross a dangerous bridge)
to go out on a limb
to walk a tightrope
to take risks
(adj-i) do not mind running a risk
(exp) to show happiness on one's face
to express one's happiness
(exp) to sew loops on a flag
(exp,v1) to brace oneself
to focus one's energies
to focus one's mind
(exp,v1) to cheer
to raise somebody's spirits