(n) walnut
(n) walnut
(n) (uk) corn crake
land rail (Crex crex)
(n) (uk) words and phrases only used in Okinawa
Okinawa dialect
(n) (uk) marine iguana (Amblyrhynchus cristatus)
(n) urokinase
(n) (uk) Erabu black-banded sea krait (Laticauda semifasciata)
(n,vs) organize
(n) auto-nurse
(n) owner-chef
(n) ornament
(n) all-night
(n) euthanasia (ger: Euthanasie)
(n) (uk) Brazilian elodea (species of aquatic plant, Egeria densa)
(n) (uk) Beyrich's slit shell (species of sea snail, Pleurotomaria beyrichii)
(n) optional
(n) originality
(n,vs) organize
(n) (roll) box pallet (from cargo container)
(n) Cardinals (US baseball team)
(n) cardinal
(n) carnallite
(n) kaolinite
(n) kanamycin
(n) kanamycin
(n) carrageenan (seaweed-based emulsifying agent)
(n) (uk) (obsc) China pink (species of flower, Dianthus chinensis)
(n) (spaghetti alla) carbonara (type of pasta) (ita:)
(n) canzona (ita:)
(n) Republic of Ghana