(n) (uk) vestimentiferan (any tube worm of order Vestimentifera)
(n) spiked club used for killing seals (nor: hakapik)
(n) (uk) leafcutter ant
(int,vs) achoo!
(n) civet (animal)
(n) (uk) Japanese aspen (Populus tremula var. sieboldii)
(n) (uk) earwig
(n) hashish
(n) Blue-berried honeysuckle (Lonicera caerulea subsp. edulis)
(n) husband hunt
(n) husband
(n) (1) (uk) Japanese grass vole (Microtus montebelli)
(2) any rodent of subfamily Arvicolinae (inc. voles, lemmings and muskrats)
(n) (comp) hacking
(n) hassium (Hs)
(n) hashish
(n) (comp) hashing
(n) (comp) hatching
(n) (comp) hatch style
(n) Hadith (ara: hadit)
tradition related to the words and deeds of Muhammad
(n) kraft paper
(n) (uk) Cercis chinensis
(n) (uk) flowering dogwood (Cornus florida)
(n) (1) (uk) flower chafer (any flower beetle of tribe Cetoniini)
(2) Eucetonia pilifera (flower chafer species of tribe Cetoniini)
(n) rove beetle
(n) honeymoon
(n) (comp) tower of Hanoi
(n) (uk) Jersey cudweed (species of cottonweed, Gnaphalium affine)
(n) Habakkuk (book of the Bible)
(n) (comp) Habitat
(n) hafnium (Hf)