(n) (uk) Hungary
(n) hang ten (surfing)
(adj-na,n) hungry
(n) Hangul language (improper neologism for the Korean language)
(n) Hanseatic League
(n) (sens) Hansen's disease
(n,vs,adj-no) soldering
(n) (1) hunting
(2) oscillatory behavior of a non-converging feedback loop (behaviour)
(3) (abbr) hunting cap
(adj-na,n) (1) handy
(2) (abbr) handicap
(n) (comp) handoff
(n) handbell
(n) hand log
(n) hamburger (meat, no bun)
Hamburg steak
(n) hammock
(n) gabbro (a type of rock similar to granite)
(n) behind
(n,adj-no) (comp) full-height
(n) full house
(n) pressed ham
(n) bear hug
(n) maharaja (hin:)
(n) (uk) leafy lespedeza (species of bush clover, Lespedeza cyrtobotrya)
(n) manhunt
(n) (uk) Plectranthus inflexus (species of plant in the mint family)
(n) love hunt
(n) rehearsal
(n) (uk) blue admiral (species of nymphalid butterfly, Kaniska canace)
(n) roast ham
(n) log-house
(n) right hand drive (of cars, etc.)