(n) hyrax
(adj-na) high return
(n) housewares
(n) credit card issued by a particular store or business (wasei: house card)
(n) house dust
(n) housedress
(n) house boat
(n) housewife
(n) (uk) Venus flytrap
Venus's flytrap
(n) (uk) jumping spider (any spider of family Salticidae)
(n) (uk) Venus flytrap
Venus's flytrap
(n) fragrant styrax
styrax obassia
(n) (uk) black-backed wagtail (Motacilla alba lugens)
(n) (uk) bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus)
(n) Hasidism
(n) (uk) northern shoveler (species of duck, Anas clypeata)
northern shoveller
(n) (uk) shoebill (Balaeniceps rex)
(n) (uk) Japanese belladonna (Scopolia japonica)
(n) (uk) weaverbird
weaver (any of a number of birds in family Ploceidae that weave elaborate nests)
(n) (uk) lantern fish (any fish of family Myctophidae, esp. Watase's lanternfish, Diaphus watasei)
(n) (uk) crested myna (species of mynah bird, Acridotheres cristatellus)
(int,vs) achoo!
(n) (comp) hash function
(n) (comp) hash total
(n) (comp) hashing
(n) hatchback
(n) (comp) hatch table
(n) (uk) house mouse (Mus musculus)
(n) Hanaechizen (variety of rice)
(n) (uk) Hall's crab apple
flowering crab apple
Malus halliana