(n) cauliflower
(n) (uk) Risso's dolphin (Grampus griseus)
(n) (uk) Leucothoe grayana (species of ericaceous plant)
(n) (uk) peppermint stick (species of perennial evergreen, Alpinia japonica)
(n) honeycomb construction
honeycomb structure
(n) (comp) Huffman code
(n) haplotype (haploid genotype)
(n) (uk) daylily
(n) (uk) beach flea (any amphipod of family Talitridae)
sand flea
sand hopper
(n) (uk) seashore false bindweed (Calystegia soldanella)
(n) (uk) Glehnia littoralis (species of umbellifer used in Chinese medicine)
(n) (obs) (obsc) Hamito-Semitic (family of languages)
(n,adj-no) Hamletish
(n) hashed meat with rice
(n) black locust
robinia pseudoacacia
(n) (1) (uk) any horsehair worm of class Gordioidea
gordian worm (of class Gordioidea)
hair worm (of class Gordioidea)
(2) wireworm (click beetle larva)
(n) porcupinefish
(n) thin, dried strips of daikon soaked in vinegar and other flavorings
(n) (uk) plains coreopsis (Coreopsis tinctoria)
(n) common fleabane
Philadelphia fleabane (Erigeron philadelphicus)
(n) Armageddon (gre: Harmagedon)
(n) harmattan (wind)
(n) harmonium
(n) halation (i.e. in photography, a halo-effect when additional light leaks out around the subject)
(n) Halloween
(n) Hello Page (NTT white pages)
(n) (name of) Japanese government employment agency (wasei: hello work)
(n) Halloween
(n) halocarbon
(n) silver halide