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Compounds of パ

  • (n) pile (fabric, nuclear reactor, structural support, etc.)
  • (n) (1) pine
    (2) (abbr) pineapple
  • (n) pie crust
  • (n) (1) pouch
  • (adv,adv-to,n) (1) (on-mim) gaping (esp. mouth)
    (adv,adv-to,n) (2) snapping into
    biting into
    (n,vs) (3) cribbing
  • (v5r) (1) to steal
    to rip off
    to nick
    to filch
    to pinch
    (2) to arrest
    to pinch
    to nab
  • (adv,adv-to,n) (1) (on-mim) gaping (esp. mouth)
    (adv,adv-to,n) (2) snapping into
    biting into
    (n,vs) (3) cribbing
  • (n) finding out you've run up a fortune by web access on your mobile (lit: packet death)
  • (n) pagoda
  • (v1) (sl) to make do errands
    to set to scutwork
  • (n) pasha
  • (n) pasta (ita:)
  • (n) (abbr) power steering
  • (n) PASMO (rechargeable prepaid IC card that can be used as a train and bus ticket in the greater Tokyo region and also as electric money in some stores)
  • (n) (comp) pathname
  • (n) puzzle
  • (n) parsley
  • (n) (obsc) (sl) marriage between two people who met over the Internet
  • (n) putter
  • (adv-to,vs) with a snap
    with a bang
    with a a plonk
    with a click
    sudden stopping
  • (n) pattern
  • (n,vs) headbutt (kor: bakchigi)
  • (n,vs) (1) pack
    (2) puck
  • (n) (abbr) packaging
  • (n,vs) patch
  • (n,vs) (1) putt
    (2) pat
  • (n) pad
  • (n) (1) poultice (dut: pap)
    (n) (2) pup
    (3) Pap (smear, test, etc.)
  • (n) pathos
  • (n) paddle