(n) grosgrain (fre: gros-grain)
(n) care plan
(n) corundum
(n) (obs) State Plan (rus: Gosplan)
(n) Golan Heights
(n) sarangi (violin-like instrument of Indian origin) (hin:)
(n) (edible) cherry
(n) zephyr lily
(n) (uk) noble orchid (Cymbidium goeringii)
(n) shoran
short-range navigation aid
(n) gerund
(n) Sri Lanka
(n) traditional work song of Hokkaido herring fishery workers, performed by school students in modern choreographed interpretations
(n) tyrant
(n) tarantella (ita:)
(n) tambourin (fre:)
(n) charango (spa:)
small lute-like stringed instrument, orig. from Bolivia
(n) test run
trial run
(n) trunks
(n) Trans-Am
(adj-no) transsexual
(n) tramper
(n) card freak
(n) tolerance
(n) highland
(n) balancer
(n) vigilance
(n) vigilant
(n) flanker (in rugby)
(n) Franglais (i.e. English words in French)