(n) language
(n) run-through
(n) lancet (dut:)
(n) (comp) runtime
(n) lanthanide
(n) launcher
(n) luncheon
(n,vs) meeting (fre: rendez-vous)
(n) bag (ger: Raenzel)
satchel with back straps
(n) laundry
(n) (1) running
(2) tank top
(n) (abbr) lingerie and foundation
(n) rambutan
(n) (comp) lighting of a lamp
(n) rimland
(n) restaurant (esp. Western-style) (fre:)
(n) long run
(n) warrant loan
bonds with warrants
(n) one rank
one grade
(n,adj-no) person with a lot of experience
old hand
veteran (in a particular field)
(n) corporate plan (business)
(n) (uk) meadow saffron (Colchicum autumnale)
autumn crocus
naked lady
(n) oil lamp
(n) uraninite
(n) (comp) power light
(n) enriched uranium
(n) depleted uranium
(n) kid's lunch
special lunch (meal) prepared for children at a restaurant
(n) earned run
(n) (uk) Ireland