(v1,vt) to order
to instruct
(exp) (1) to master (e.g. a skill)
to become accustomed to (e.g. a lifestyle)
to acquire (e.g. a habit)
(2) to retain
(v5k,vi) to hug
(n) spraying
(v1,vt) to blow against
to spray (paint, etc.) (onto a surface)
(n) installation
(v5k,vi) to gather strength
to take heart
(v5k) to become conscious
to recover one's senses
(n) plainly marked
notorious person
(v5k,vi) to be born (with)
to be born (to be)
to be destined
(n) arrangement of food (on a dish)
serving of (arranged) food
(n) tax refund
(v5k,vt) (uk) to pester someone (e.g. to buy something)
(v1,vt) to trace
to inquire into
(n,vs) tidying up
clearing away
putting in order
(n) guaranteed
(v5k,vi) to be indelibly stained or ingrained
to be dyed in deeply
(n) (1) dyeing
(2) blue and white ceramics (china, porcelain)
(v5k) to grapple
to wrestle
(n) fixed
(exp) to take a breath
to take a short rest
(exp) to be traced (tracked)
(v1,vt) to knock
to run into
to nail on
to strike hard
to hit and attack
to try (an idea) on someone
(v1,vt) to knock
to run into
to nail on
to strike hard
to hit and attack
to try (an idea) on someone
(v1,vt) to knock
to run into
to nail on
to strike hard
to hit and attack
to try (an idea) on someone
(v1,vt) to knock
to run into
to nail on
to strike hard
to hit and attack
to try (an idea) on someone
(n) loan
(n) loan trust
(n) accrued benefit
retirement benefits
post-employment benefits
(adj-no) conditional