(adj-no) conditional
(n) short-term loan
(n,vs) pricing at
(exp) to become verminous
to be infested with insects
to begin to keep bad company
to have an (unfavorable, unfavourable) lover
(v5k) to cling (to)
(v5k,vi) to warm up to
to become enthusiastic about
to be elated
(v5k,vi) to jump at
to be attracted by
(n) list of the richest people
list of the very highest income earners
billionaire's list
(v5k,vi) to overtake
to catch up (with)
(adv) by and by
before long
(n) pressure
(exp) to take the side of the enemy
(n) (1) attached papers
(2) (comp) attachment (mail, etc.)
(v5k,vi) to entwine
to follow about
(v5k) to cling (to)
(n) (comp) paste
(n) with a telephone
(n) clean record
(v5k,vi) to freeze to
to be frozen to
(v5k,vi) to freeze
(v5k,vi) to freeze to
to be frozen to
(v5k,vi) to freeze to
to be frozen to
(v1,vt) to throw at
to throw something at a person
to throw a person down
(n) insinuation
(exp) to gain (put on) weight
(exp) to gain (put on) weight
(v5k,vi) to catch fire
to ignite
(n) deadline for payment
(n) payment order
(n) buying