(n) Tumulus period (of Japanese history)
(n) Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms (in Chinese history)
(n,vs) (1) second helping
another cup
(int) (2) command to have dog place its second paw in one's hand
(n) (comp) alternate path
(n) shift work
(n) working in shifts
(n) working in shifts
(n) relief pitcher
(n) Edo period (1603-1868 CE)
(n) (comp) linear algebra
matrix algebra
(n) representative of Gifu and Mie prefectures
(n) (1) Three Kingdoms period (of Chinese history, 220-280 CE)
(2) Three Kingdoms period (of Korean history, 4th-7th centuries CE)
(n) (abbr) Sandai Jitsuroku (sixth of the six classical Japanese history texts)
(n) (1) (derog) pettifogging lawyer
unscrupulous or unethical lawyer
(2) casuist
(n) daimyo's alternating Edo residence
(n) official attendance service (by a daimyo in the Edo era)
(n) abuses of the times
(v5r,vi) to be antique-looking
(n) sensitivity to the times
sense of the times
(n) background research
research into the period
(n,adj-no) anachronism
(n) thought of the times
(n) historical novel
(n) spirit of the age
(adj-na,n) old-fashioned
(n) not up with the times
out of touch
(n) Muromachi period (1333-1573 CE)
(n) receiving agent
(n) Spring and Autumn period (of Chinese history, approx. 770-403 BCE)
(n) (sumo) era during mid-1990s dominated by grand champions Akebono and Takanohana II