(adv) resting at times
thinking carefully
(n) wayside teahouse
(n) application for leave
(n) holiday plans
(n) reassembling of a legislature
(n) rest time
(n,adj-no) (comp) hibernation
(n) armistice conference
(n) cease-fire agreement
(n) armistice treaty
(n) demilitarized zone
demilitarised zone
(n) recess
(n) working on a day off
(n) the day after a holiday
(n) (in the Diet) a spontaneous recess
(n) (1) maternity leave
(2) paternity leave
(n) summer vacation
(n) compensatory holiday
observed holiday (weekday holiday when the actual day is on a weekend)
substitute holiday
(n) menstrual leave
(n) whole note rest (music)
semibreve rest
(n) season of successive holidays from late April to early May
(n) quitting the tournament in progress due mostly to injury (sumo)
(n) summer vacation
(n) winter vacation (holidays)
(n) student strike
(n) special holiday
(n) minim rest
half rest (music)
(n,adj-no) open every day of the year
(n) series of holidays with one or two workdays in between
(n) sick leave
sickness leave