(n) improper bookkeeping
(exp) closing address
(n) (comp) American National Standards Institute
(v1) to fit by rubbing together
(n) private military company
(n) limited liability company (e.g. in the US)
(n) limited liability company (e.g. in the US)
(n) (comp) Federal Communications Commission
(exp) till we meet again
(n) Asian Games
(n) Armenian Church
Armenian Apostolic Orthodox Church
(n) Catholic Church
(n) Greek Orthodox Church
(n) Greek Orthodox Church
(n) guild socialism
(n) Dominican Order
Order of Preachers
(n) Council of Nicaea
(n) Byzantine Church
(n) bourgeois society
(n) Munich Conference (1938)
(n) Methodist Church
(n) society where IT related gadgets are prevalent and their function transparent (from "ubiquitous computing")
(n) Council of Europe
(n) European Parliament
(n) (1) Lausanne Conference (1922)
(2) Lausanne Conference (1932)
(n) (UN) Security Council
(n) Yokozuna Deliberation Committee
body that recommends promotion of sumo wrestlers to grand champions
(n) Okinawa Socialist Masses Party
(n) scientific socialism
(exp) to work for a company