(n) crisis committee
(n) Committee on Rules and Administration (Diet)
(n) parliamentary democracy
(n) joint holding company
(n) Sumida River Firework Festival (Tokyo)
(n) UN Economic and Social Council
(n) Federation of Economic Organizations (Organisations)
(n) phenomenological sociology
(n) Public Security Examination Commission
(n) (comp) configuration control board
(n) (comp) SQL
Structured Query Language
(n) joint technical committee
(n) National Public Safety Commission
(n) committee of the National Diet
(n) (comp) Commission Internationale de I'Eclairage
(n) International Whaling Commission
(n) National Diet Library
(n) (abbr) (obsc) United Nations Security Council
(n) UN Human Rights Commission
(n) Budget Committee of the upper house of the Diet (one half of the yosaniinkai)
(n) affiliated company accounted for by the equity-method
(n) fact-finding committee
(n) social overhead capital
(n) social insurance office
(n) licensed social insurance consultant
social insurance worker
(exp) to arrange a meeting with the company president
(n) Group of Eight
(n) Interstate Commerce Commission
(n) Budget Committee of the lower house of the Diet (one half of the yosaniinkai)
(n) online dating Web site