(v1,vt) to purchase
to buy in
(exp,v1) to let in (fresh) air
(v1,vt) to grant (a wish)
to accede
to comply with
(v1,vt) to lure
to entice
(v1,vt) to make a deposit
(v1,vt) (1) to trick someone into (committing a crime, etc.)
to hatch a plan and deceive someone
(2) to assault (a castle, etc.)
(3) to drop something and have it fall into something
(exp,v1) to put effort into
to strain
to put strength into
to put forth effort
(v1) to force something (into)
to thrust forcibly (into)
(v1) to carry in
(v1,vt) (1) to trick someone into (committing a crime, etc.)
to hatch a plan and deceive someone
(2) to assault (a castle, etc.)
(3) to drop something and have it fall into something
(exp,v1) (hum) to show
to display
(n) immersion quenching (hardening by dropping heated metal into water or oil)
(exp) to operate
to clean up
to inquire (into)
to take drastic measures
(exp) to place in an enclosure
(exp,v1) to interrupt
to butt in
(exp) to admit a patient
(exp) in no time
in a flash
(exp) to fire up
(exp) (comp) garbage in, garbage out
(exp) last in, first out
(exp,v1) (hum) to show
to display
(exp,v1) to take into consideration
to bear in mind
(n) (comp) acceptance function
(n) (comp) acceptance test
(exp) to temper
to harden
to torture
to discipline
(exp) (comp) garbage in, garbage out
(exp) first in, first out
(exp,v1) to probe
to search
to sound out
to investigate
(v1) to tease
to make fun of
(v1) to tease
to make fun of