(n) chief of staff
(n) parliamentary councillor
parliamentary councilor
(n) participant
(n) attendant
(n) ritual visits to a temple
(n) dowry
(n) bearer
(n) newcomer
(n,vs) visiting shrines
(n) early-morning visit to a temple or shrine
(n) type of yellow carrot grown in Okinawa
(n) hemlock
(n) crowd-puller
box-office certainty
(n) abstention
(n) annual mugwort (Artemisia annua)
annual wormwood
sweet sagewort
sweet Annie
sweet wormwood
(n,vs) visit to a grave
(n) visiting a shrine naked in winter
(n) column reference
see column below
(n) thanksgiving visit to a shrine
(n) shrine visit
(n) (1) visiting a shrine or temple to give thanks
(2) settling scores
(n) Ise pilgrimage
(n) (comp) uniform referencing
(n) (comp) subordinate reference
(n) (see the) following table or tables
(n) Artemisia carvifolia var. apiacea
Artemisia caruifolia
(n) (comp) indirect referencing
(n) type of yellow carrot grown in Okinawa
(n) (comp) type reference name
(n) New Year's visit to a shrine or temple which lies in a favorable (favourable) or lucky direction