(n) parents' day (day when parents observe their children in school)
(exp) (in) each of the houses of the Japanese parliament
(n) both houses of Parliament (Diet)
(n) first visit of a child to the shrine of its tutelary deity (usu. when the child is about 30 days old)
(n) bibliographic reference
(n) (comp) superior reference
(n) (comp) forward reference
(n) cross-reference
(n) (comp) value reference name
(n) (comp) knowledge reference
(n) (obsc) Japanese ginseng (Panax japonicus)
(n) Asian ginseng (Panax ginseng)
(n) (uk) Japanese ginseng (Panax japonicus)
(n) (uk) Japanese ginseng (Panax japonicus)
(n) (comp) internal reference
(n,vs) secret or unauthorized pilgrimage (unauthorised)
(n) (comp) character reference
(n,adj-no) bringing one's own lunch
(n) auxiliary intervention (in a lawsuit)
(n) ritual visit to the tomb of one's ancestors (bringing flowers, burning incense, cleansing the tombstone)
(n) study reference
study-aid book
(n) (comp) structure reference
(n) (abbr) Budget Committee of the upper house of the Diet (one half of the yosaniinkai)
(n) those interested in participating
persons wishing to participate
(n) member of the House of Councillors
(n) House of Councillors election
(exp) to refer to
to use as reference
(exp,v5r) to be of use as a reference
(n) requesting the testimony of an unsworn witness (who is not bound by perjury law)
(n) reference library