(n) funeral mass
(n) final report
(n) three-line classified advertisement
(n) death sentence
(n) obituary
notification of death
(n) (comp) event report
(n) preview of next installment (TV shows, podcasts, etc.)
(n) personal statement
verbal or informal, unsubstantiated assertion
(n) court decision declaring a missing person legally dead
(n) published apology
(n) the Annunciation
(n) earnings report
(n) earnings call
(n) employment advertisement
(n,vs) (filing) revised (income tax) return
(n) situation report
(n) profession of faith
(n) newspaper advertisement
(n) self-assessed tax payment
(n,vs) (filling in) return form
(n) blue (tax) return
(n) tax return
(n,vs) proclamation of war
(n,adj-no) full page advertisement
(n) immediate kokoku appeal
(n) interim report
(n) report (of an investigation)
investigation (investigative) report
(n) special kokoku appeal
(n) whistleblowing
(n) chronological report