(n,vs) report generation
report writing
report writer
(adv) without advance notice
(adv) without advance notice
(n) Annunciation Day
Lady Day
(n) (comp) event reporting
(n) image advertising
(n) spot advertisement
spot advertising
spot ad
(n) monthly economic report
(n) Annunciation Day
Lady Day
(n) advertising space
(n) electronic tax filing
(n) (comp) report description entry
(n) (comp) report footing
(n) (comp) report heading
(n) (comp) subject probe
(n) multiple advertising
(n) (comp) motion advertisement
(n) warning message
(n) (comp) state of the art report
(exp,v1) to mark the end
to spell the end
(n) Economic Report of the President (US)
(exp) the critical situation to grow tense, threatening an upheaval
(n) (comp) report group description entry
(n) (comp) report file
(n) (comp) report writer logical record
(n) (comp) report origin authentication
(n) (comp) delivered-report entry
(n) (comp) reportable markup error
(n) (comp) subject message
(n) (comp) report writer control system