(n) looking up and down, from heaven to earth (having nothing to be ashamed of)
swearing by Heaven and Earth (having done nothing to be ashamed of)
(n) welcome (beneficial) rain in a drought
realization of something eagerly looked for
a welcome relief
(n) position astronomy
(n) optimist
(n) upper-level weather chart
(n) National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
(n) (uk) black-footed albatross (Diomedea nigripes)
(n) (uk) seven-spot ladybird
seven-spotted ladybug (Coccinella septempunctata)
(n) photographic zenith tube
(n) symbolic emperor system
(n) Festival of Emperor Jimmu (formerly held annually on April 3rd, the supposed day of his death)
(exp,n) a bolt out of the blue
(n) clear-air turbulence
(n) Assumption (of the body and soul of Mary into heaven)
(exp,n) a bolt out of the blue
(n) limitless budget
(n) birth defect
(n) analytical balance
direct reading balance
(exp,vs-s) to harm oneself in an attempt to harm someone else (lit: to spit into the air)
(n) (arch) Ama no Ukihashi (the heavenly floating bridge; by which gods are said to descend from the heavens to the earth)
(exp) to soar high (building, etc.)
(n) Tiananmen Square Incident
Tiananmen Square Massacre
(n) skyrocketing (prices)
(n) The Nonpareil Kitchen
The Kitchen of the Nation (nickname for Osaka)
(adv) right and proper
(n) fateful
decisive (war)
(n) break (change for the worse) in the weather
(n) weather bureau
(n) weather bureau
(exp) to hold a mountain fortress