(n) mystery or detective novel
(n) water mill
(n) novel of formation (education)
novel of character development
novel which traces the intellectual, moral, spiritual or social development of a young person
Bildungsroman (German)
(n) sultry novel
suggestive story
(n) easily misunderstood sentence (lit: cul-de-sac sentence)
garden-path sentence
(n) roman-fleuve
(exp) first verse of a nursery rhyme sung by children on cold days (similar to "It's Raining, It's Pouring")
(n) novel for the masses
popular fiction
(n) (comp) collating sequence
(adj-na,n,adj-no) essentially the same with only minor differences
(n) detective story
(n) short story
(exp) being bold and courageous, but also careful and meticulous
(n) middle-brow novel
(n) small to medium enterprises
smaller companies
(n) novelette
short novel
long short story
(n,vs) microminiaturization
(n) full-length novel
(n) full-length novel
(n) popular novel
(n) (uk) piping plover (Charadrius melodus)
(n) romance (fiction)
(exp) (to cast) pearls before swine
really big waste of resources
(n) novel written in colloquial Chinese
(n) drifting boat
(n) swashbuckling stories
martial arts fiction
chivalric knight novels
wuxia xiaoshuo
(n) windmill
(n) novel depicting customs and manners of the day
(n) storage shed
(n) adventure story
novel of adventure