(n,vs) the situation reverses itself
the table is turned
the shoe is on the other foot
(n,adj-na) situation (turn of events) being unfavorable (disadvantageous)
(n,adj-na) situation (turn of events) being favorable (advantageous)
(n) plastic surgery
(n) semasio-phonetic character (combining semantic and phonetic components)
(n) morphemic word
(n) (ling) stem (word)
(n) (ling) adjective phrase
adjectival phrase
(n) (ling) na-adjective (adj-na)
adjectival noun
nominal adjective
(n) contradictio in adjecto (contradiction between an adjective and the noun it modifies, i.e. "wooden iron", "hot ice", etc.)
(n) angiogenesis
(n) solid fuel
(n) Boys' May Festival dolls
(adj-na) formed from a stem
(n,vs,adj-no) (ling) inflection of words (e.g. declension of nouns and conjugation of verbs)
(n) attacking formation
(n,adj-no) residential
(n) property accumulation savings
(adj-no) crescent shape
(n) umbrella insulator
(n) bot umbraculum
(n) (comp) reference format
(n) umbellate inflorescence
umbel (i.e. flower with a large number of flowers growing radially from a common center)
(n) paper doll modeled after a kimono-clad woman (modelled)
(n) traditional Japanese doll
(n) capital formation
(n) automaton
(n) (comp) free format
(n) (comp) executable form
(n) embodiment