(n) pentastomid (any worm of phylum Pentastomida)
(n) nose shape
tip shape
(n) linear function
(n) linear mapping
(n) linear precedence
(n) linear algebra
(n) (comp) linear search
(n) nematode
(adj-na) (comp) linearly independent (e.g. equations)
(n) (comp) linear interpolation
(n) linear logic
(n) (uk) harbor seal (Phoca vitulina)
harbour seal
common seal
(n) plastic deformation
(n) puppet
(n) education in art and design
education in drawing and manual arts
(n) the plastic arts
(n,adj-no) allelic character
allelomorphic character
(n) aschelminth (any invertebrate animal formerly classified as belonging to phylum Aschelminthes)
(n) aschelminth (any invertebrate animal formerly classified as belonging to phylum Aschelminthes)
(adj-no) anaplastic
(n) os trapezium
(n) nouns whose plural has the same form as their singular (e.g. sheep)
(n) short-term bill
(n) topographical survey
(n) long-term bill
(n) (ling) finite verb
(n) ceramic figurine
(n) corrugated steel (plate)
corrugated iron
(n) reaction formation
(n) cosmetic surgery