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Compounds of 御

  • (n) Buddhist priest
  • (n) (1) handwriting
    (2) certificate
    certified document
    paper with signature of the shogun or lord
  • (n) (pol) miso soup
  • (n) (pol) miso soup
  • (n,vs) not writing or contacting for a while
    neglecting (failing) to write (call, visit, etc.)
    long silence
  • (n) the imperial or privy seal
  • (n) lighted lamp (or candle, etc.) provided as a religious offering
  • (v5r) to be excused from
  • (n,vs) (1) (the privilege to have) an audience (with one's lord, a dignitary, etc.)
    interview (with one's superior)
    (2) one's debut (first) appearance
    debut (of a new product, work of art, actor, etc.)
    (3) trial service (of a servant)
  • (uK) (n) Japanese sweets made with glutinous rice and azuki bean paste
  • (n,vs) personal meeting (esp. used by females)
  • (exp) barking up the wrong tree
    calling at the wrong house
  • (n) (1) grandfather
    (2) male senior-citizen
  • (n) dismissal
    being relieved from one's post
    being relieved of a burden
  • (n) customer
  • (n) a scholar beholden to the government
  • (n) re-opening of offices in new year (usu. Jan. 4)
  • (n) a purveyor to the government
  • (n) a government newspaper or organ
  • (n) a company union
  • (n) year-end office closing (usu. Dec. 28)
  • (n,adj-na) being busy with many things
    extreme busyness due to pressure of business (often used humorously)
  • (n) (1) the rounds of tradesmen going door to door
    (2) route man
    door-to-door tradesman
    order taker
  • (n,adj-no) tearjerker
    sob story
    maudlin tale
  • (n) (1) visiting a shrine or temple to give thanks
    (2) settling scores
  • (n) free service after one has finished one's apprenticeship
  • (n) (1) any god of foodstuffs
    (2) Uka-no-Mitama (god of rice)
  • (n) (1) any god of foodstuffs
    (2) Uka-no-Mitama (god of rice)
  • (n) (comp) error control
  • (n) attack as a form of defense
    attacking (active) defense