(n,adv) as necessary (needed)
if necessary (needed)
(n) necessary documents
important documents
(n) necessary conditions
(exp) Defeat is inevitable for an overconfident army
Being arrogant and overconfident inevitably leads to defeat (failure)
Pride comes before a fall
(adj-na) prerequisite
(n) daily (living) necessities
essentials for life
(exp,vt) to need
to call for
to require
(exp) if necessary
(n) (comp) required memory size
(n,adj-na) essential
compelling, vital, critical
(n) conscious neglect
willful negligence
wilful negligence
(n) (comp) implementation mandatory
(n) (comp) mandatory (M) component
(exp) desperately
for one's dear life
(exp) to pray for one's victory
(n) essential amino acid
(v1) to judge as necessary
(adv) as necessary
(n) necessary and sufficient condition
(exp) necessity is the mother of invention
(n) (comp) contextually required token
(n) (comp) contextually required element
(exp) (id) No mortal escapes death