(n) (comp) Permanent Virtual Circuit
(n) (comp) Switched Virtual Circuit
(n) butt joint
(n) (comp) available public text
(n) (comp) unavailable public text
(exp,v5s) to try all possible means
(n) (comp) nonprocedural language
(n) traveler's check
traveller's cheque
(exp) I am not going to fall for that trick
(exp) to want something desperately
to want something (so badly one can taste it)
(n) First Epistle to Timothy (book of the Bible)
(n) Second Epistle to Timothy (book of the Bible)
(n) (uk) hoolock gibbon (either of the two gibbons in genus Hoolock)
(exp) letter of protest
(n) Epistle to the Romans (book of the Bible)
(n) former sumo grand champion's 60th birthday ring-entering ceremony
(exp) to make a gesture or say something during a break in conversation, playing of songs, etc.
to interrupt
(n) wanted list
(exp) by hook or by crook
by all possible means
(exp) by hook or by crook
by all possible means
(n) (comp) end of procedure division
(n) Personal Status Actions Procedure Law (e.g. divorce actions, etc.)
(exp) exceptionally easy (like taking candy from a baby)
lit: as easy as twisting a baby's hand
(exp) exceptionally easy (like taking candy from a baby)
lit: as easy as twisting a baby's hand
(n) (comp) virtual call facility
(exp) (id) That trick won't do with me
(n) major electrical manufacturer
major company manufacturing electric devices
(exp) (id) Hoist your sail when the wind is fair
(n) butt joint
(n) extremely busy
lit: so busy one would even welcome the help of a cat