(n) newspaper-seller
newspaper vendor
(n,vs) (issuing) a press release
(n) New Testament
(n) New Testament
(n) bride and groom
(adj-i) brand new
(n,vs) complete change in public sentiment
leading the thought of the people to an entirely different channel
(n) radically change public sentiment
leading the thought of the people to an entirely different channel
(adj-i) very fresh
(n) Red Crescent Society
(n) Taika Reform of 645CE
(n) widescale reform
(n) (comp) deferred update
(n) Asahi (newspaper)
(n) (comp) electronic newspaper
(n) daily paper
(n) Nikkei (newspaper) (abbr. of Nippon Keizai)
(n) New Conservative Party (defunct Japanese political party)
(n) newspaper in Japanese
Japanese-language newspaper
(n) woman of perennial youth
(n) Meiji Restoration
(n,vs) undergoing a complete change in appearance
changing something out of all recognition
a rise in one's reputation
(n,vs) undergoing a complete change in appearance
changing something out of all recognition
a rise in one's reputation
(adj-i) original
(n) New Ainu Law (passed in 1997, aiming at promoting and protecting Ainu culture)
(n) mini-shinkansen
(n) malignant growth
(n) new schools of Japanese Buddhism founded during the Kamakura period
(n) Old and New Testaments
(n) Old and New Testaments