(n) sporting newspaper
(n) latest news
most recent news
(n) utility model registration
(n) neophilia
love of new things
(n) neo-Kantian school
(n) initial public offering
(n) presenting of new sumo wrestlers to audience
(n) neo-colonialism
(n) neonatal melena (melaena)
(exp) to engage a new graduate
(exp) to form a new Cabinet
(n) training of new employees
(n) Japan's press code (developed in 1946)
(n) perpetual novelty
(n) (comp) file updating
(n) neophilia
love of new things
(n) neo-Malthusianism
(exp) happy new year
(n) (comp) FTSC
Federal Trust Criteria
(n) (comp) display update state
(n) extension of visa permit
(exp) to move to a new house
(n) newly established country
(n) Star Trek: The Next Generation
(n) bond with warrant attached
warrant bond
(n) housing starts
(n) hemolytic disease of the newborn (haemolytic)
erythroblastosis fetalis
(n) (comp) new JIS kanji character code
(n) (comp) new JIS kanji character code
(n) new strains of (pandemic) influenza