(n) "tsuchinoe" day that falls closest to the vernal or autumnal equinox (a day of religious significance for harvests)
(n) "tsuchinoe" day that falls closest to the vernal or autumnal equinox (a day of religious significance for harvests)
(n) the Sabbath
the Lord's Day
(n) (1) autumn day
fall day
(2) autumn
(n-adv,n-t) all day
for a whole day
(n-adv,n-t) all day
for a whole day
(n-adv,n-t) all day
for a whole day
(n-adv,n-t) all day
for a whole day
(n) weekday
(n) (1) the tenth day of the month
(2) ten days
(n,adj-no) national holiday
(n) ten-day period
(n-adv,n-t) first or opening day
(n) New Year's Day sunrise
(n,adj-no) pro-Japanese
(n) seventh of January (lunar calendar)
(n) man-day
(n-adv,n-t) last day of the month (year)
New Year's Eve
all day long
(n) few days
(n) holy day
the Sabbath
(n) Spanish-Japanese (gen. for translations and dictionaries)
(n) westering sun
setting sun
(n) old days
(n) (sl) menstruation
(n-adv,n-t) the other day
a few days ago
(n) one thousand days
(n) selecting an auspicious date by looking at the astrological information on the calendar
date selected in such a manner
(n-adv,n-t) previous day
the day before
(n-adv,n-t) previous day
the day before
(n-adv,n-t) all days