(n) cold war era
(n) historical times
historical period
(n) prosperous age
(n) (obsc) Yoshino period (Japan's Northern and Southern Courts period, esp. from the viewpoint of the legitimacy of the Southern Court, 1336-1392 CE)
(n) old stone age
(n) Metal Age (i.e. the Bronze Age and the Iron Age)
(n) atomic age
(v5r,vi) to be antique-looking
(v5r,vi) to be antique-looking
(n) (sumo) era during early 1900s dominated by the grand champions Hitachiyama and Umegatani II
(n) new stone age
(n) Bronze Age
(n) preceramic period
(n) (obsc) pre-Jomon period (i.e. the preceramic period)
(n) Great Interregnum (gap between Hohenstaufen and Habsburg rule of the Holy Roman Empire, approx. 1254-1273 CE)
(n) Ogosho period (between the Kansei Reforms and the Tempo Reforms, approx. 1787-1843)
(n) Age of Discovery
Age of Exploration
(n) Mesolithic age
Middle Stone Age
(n) period of the northern and southern dynasties (in China, 5th-6th c. CE in Japan, 1336-92)
(n) (obsc) preceramic period
(adv) in all ages; over the ages; forever and ever
(n) Amarna period (of Egyptian history)
(n) Azuchi-Momoyama period (approx. 1558-1600 CE)
(n) Chalcolithic period (i.e. the Copper Period)
(exp) the good old days
halcyon days
(n) Kounin-Jougan period (of Japanese art history, approx. 794-894 CE)
(n) Edo-period literature
(n) high-growth era
(exp) era in which university places outnumber university applicants
era of declining enrollment
(n) Bunka-Bunsei period (approx. 1804-1830 CE)