(n) Edo period (1603-1868 CE)
(n) (1) Three Kingdoms period (of Chinese history, 220-280 CE)
(2) Three Kingdoms period (of Korean history, 4th-7th centuries CE)
(n) abuses of the times
(v5r,vi) to be antique-looking
(n) sensitivity to the times
sense of the times
(n) background research
research into the period
(n,adj-no) anachronism
(n) thought of the times
(n) historical novel
(n) spirit of the age
(adj-na,n) old-fashioned
(n) not up with the times
out of touch
(n) Muromachi period (1333-1573 CE)
(n) Spring and Autumn period (of Chinese history, approx. 770-403 BCE)
(n) (sumo) era during mid-1990s dominated by grand champions Akebono and Takanohana II
(n) Showa period (1926-1989 CE)
(n) Shokuho period (i.e. the Azuchi-Momoyama period, approx. 1568-1600 CE)
(n) Suiko period (i.e. the Asuka period, esp. under the reign of Empress Suiko, approx. 592-628 CE)
(n) one's youth
one's youthful days (years)
the flower of one's youth
the springtime of one's life
(n) (one's) youth
one's younger days
(n) Stone Age
(n,adj-no) prehistoric era
prehistoric times
(n) (1) Warring States period (of Japanese history, approx. 1467-1568 CE)
(2) Warring States period (of Chinese history, 403-221 BCE)
(3) era of vicious competition
(n) prehistoric period
(adj-na) premodern
(n) golden age
(n) Ashikaga period (i.e. the Muromachi period, 1333-1573 CE)
(n) Taisho period (1912-1926 CE)
(n) Yamato period (300-550 CE)
(n) geological age