(exp) to put a bookmark between the pages of a book
(n) (comp) expert system
(exp) (sens) to set about in earnest
to put one's back into something
(n) (comp) typed body
(n) essential hypertension
(exp,adv) (1) in truth
in actuality
(exp,n) (2) the truth
the real story
(exp,adv) (1) in truth
in actuality
(exp,n) (2) the truth
the real story
(n) tactical operations center
tactical operations centre
(n) return on equity
(n) (comp) basic access method
(n) (comp) base window
(n) basic concept
(n) (comp) basic logical object
(n) gold exchange standard system
(n) gold bullion standard
(n) five-toed socks
(n) (Japanese) Environmental Pollution Prevention Act
(n) social overhead capital
(exp) book containing the information
(n) Meiji Constitution (Constitution of the Empire of Japan)
(n) (obs) the Imperial Japanese Army
(n) Meiji Constitution (Constitution of the Empire of Japan)
(exp) to place a book on a shelf
(exp) (col) unpopulated, undeveloped or high-altitude region of Japan
(n) Japan maritime self defense force (defence)
(n) Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
(n) Japanese word-processing
(n) Japanese Language Proficiency Test
(n) Japan air self defense force (defence)
(n) schistosomiasis japonica (form of bilharzia caused by the Oriental blood fluke Schistosoma japonicum)