(n) national missile defense (US) (defence)
(n) (comp) generalized drawing primitive
(n) (comp) BCP
Basic Control Program
(n) (comp) basic input-output system
(n) (comp) aspects of primitives
(n) capital-saving technological progress
capital-saving technical progress
(n) basic resident register card
citizen identification card
Juki card
(n) (comp) multicode basic concrete syntax
(n) Japan Federation of Employers' Associations
(n) Japan Business Federation
(n) Japan Nuclear Technology Institute
(n) set of three books of Buddhist stories, written in the late 8th and early 9th century, usually referred to as the Nihon Ryouiki
(n) standard tables of food composition in Japan
(n) (comp) Electronic Industries Association of Japan
(n) (comp) area primitive
(n) (comp) graphical primitive elements
(n) (comp) enhanced (Japanese) keyboard
(n) (comp) basic interface
(n) Japan Orthodox Church
(n) set of three books of Buddhist stories, written in the late 8th and early 9th century, usually referred to as the Nihon Ryouiki
(n) (comp) JEIDA
Japan Electronics Industry Development Association
(n) Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation
(n) Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation
(n) General Council of Trade Unions of Japan
(exp) (obsc) try though one might, it's impossible to replace one's first love
(n) (comp) with-data primitives
(n) (comp) aspects of output primitives
(n) All-Japan Federation of Student Self-Government Associations
(n) Basic Law for a Gender-Equal Society (1999)
(n) (comp) Japanese word processor