(n) Polaris
north star
(n) Arctic Circle (latitude)
(n) North Pole
(n) Arctic Ocean
(n) anode rays
(n) positive plate
anode plate
(n) both extremes
(n) overconcentration
(n) cathode-ray tube
(v5r) to be overcome with emotion
(n) extreme purpose
(n) final cause
(n) extreme purpose
(n,adj-na) extremely and humbly delighted
(adj-no) guaranteed (to be genuine, valuable, etc.)
certified (as genuine, valuable, etc.)
(adj-no) guaranteed (article)
(n) (1) (abbr) wooden dolls
(2) type of theatrical makeup
(3) type of artwork using paper, cloth and paste
(v5m,vt) to take for granted
to assume
to pretend
(n) arm-barring force out (sumo)
(n) certificate
(n) arm-barring force down (sumo)
(adj-no) guaranteed (to be genuine, valuable, etc.)
certified (as genuine, valuable, etc.)
(adj-no) guaranteed (article)
(n,adj-na,adj-no) inhuman
(n,vs) rebirth in paradise
peaceful death
(exp) It's absolute heaven
It's sheer bliss
(n) (Buddh) Sukhavati (Amitabha's Pure Land)
(n) bird of paradise flower
Strelitzia reginae
(n) happy-go-lucky fellow
an easygoing and indifferent person
a pococurante
(n) extreme environment