(n) apex of prosperity
(exp) extremely dangerous
(adj-i) extremely
in the extreme
(adj-i) feeling awkward
being ashamed
being bashful
(adj-i) extremely
in the extreme
(v5s) to do thoroughly
to check through and through
(adj-f) fixed
(n) far-right leader
(exp) (comp) take the limit of
(n) cryonics
(v1) to do one's best
(v1) to do one's best
(n) parking lot rented on a monthly basis
(exp,adv) using the strongest words possible
(n) magnetic dipole
(v1,vt) to agree
to decide upon
to enter into (a contract)
(n) negative liberty
liberty (as opposed to freedom)
(n) positive liberty
freedom (as opposed to liberty)
(n) bipolar disorder
(n) electric dipole
(n) diode
(n) article of certified genuineness
(v1) to do one's best
(n) parking lot rented on a monthly basis
(exp) to reach the summit
(exp) to present a very terrible (miserable) sight
(n) (comp) central limit theorem
(exp) to act with extreme violence
(exp) (obs) to enjoy prosperity
(exp) (obs) to master the secrets of